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w4ccl is the MS Windows 4C client program.
w4ccl <option> [ <optarg> ] ...

-a <app> - Specify app to run
-c <conn> - Connection name or connection string
-f <filename> - specify clseqf file.
-g <group> - Name the first group to run.
-o [min|max|hide] - Specify startup window options.
-p <program> - Specify first program to run
-L - Use the current logged on user name when trying to connect.
-T - Try to connect as a trusted user.
-D - Turns on debug messages
-V - Turns on verbose debug messages
--help - Same as -H
--version - Display version number and exit.
--noshare - Run with shared memory disabled.
--conn-filelist=<connfilelist> - Use <connfilelist> instead of the connection file lists specified in the client preferences files.
0 - Normal Exit
1 - Error Exit
w4ccl -c 4cdemo -a demo -p -o hide
w4ccl is the Win32 interactive 4C client. You can tell w4ccl which server to connect to by using the -c <conn> option. If no connection is specified, then the user can select from a list of known or recent connections or add new connection. The <conn> option can be used in two ways. It can be the name of a known connection stored in one of the connection text files or it can be a full connection string. The full connection string looks like:
Connection options are:
Multiple Sessions:
See Also:
Client Preferences

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