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4C External Libraries Overview

4C allows an application to define external libraries with functions that are callable from a 4C PCL. Any application directory can define it's own set of libraries and functions and can call functions within any library that is in the same XLPROG path. More than one application can define the same library but library names should reflect the application that they are defined in.

The system files that are used for defining an external library to an application are sys.usrfn_hdr and sys.usrfn_det. Each application directory should have it's own copy of these files.

You can get to the External Library definition program from the main development menu for any application by following:

Main Menu/Configuration/External Libs & Functions

When calling a function with an External Library the syntax is:
retval = <LibName>::<FunctionName>(args);

In addition to the <retval> returned, which can be any 4C data type, the function also sets the local system variable, sys_ret, to an integer value. All external libraries should follow the convention that a positive return value means there was at least one warning, 0 means success, and a negative return value implies error.

Since there are valid return vals that may imply error, i.e. FCJSon::GetInteger() may return a value of -1 because there was an error or because the integer value requested really is -1, the application should always check sys_ret, and possibly call either or both of sys.get_extfnopt(<libname>,"LastError") or sys.get_extfnopt(<libname>,"LastMessage") anytime there is an ambiguous return value that might indicate error.

The default MessageLevel for a 4C External Library when a 4C program starts is "1". This means that error messages from the library are automatically displayed to the user, but informational messages are not. The application does have control over this using some system PCLs listed below.

The following system pcls are useful for setting options and getting information from and about an 4C External Library.

There are several external libraries that are part of the 4cSys application that are available to all other applications. They are