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req4c_close_session - closes the current req4c session if there is one.

req4c_create_session - creates a new req4c session

req4c_delete_session - deletes a req4c session

req4c_fetch_all_errors - returns an array containing

req4c_fetch_all_msgs - returns an array containing

req4c_fetch_assoc_cur - returns the current ResultRow from <resultset>

req4c_fetch_assoc_first - returns the first ResultRow in <resultset>

req4c_fetch_assoc_last - returns the last ResultRow in <resultset>

req4c_fetch_assoc_next - returns the next ResultRow in <resultset>

req4c_fetch_assoc_prev - returns the prev ResultRow in <resultset>

req4c_fetch_cur - returns the current ResultRow as a numerically indexed array.

req4c_fetch_first - returns the first ResultRow from <resultset>

req4c_fetch_last - returns the last ResultRow from <resultset>

req4c_fetch_next_error - returns the next error msg from the

req4c_fetch_next_msg - returns the next info msg from the

req4c_fetch_next - returns the next ResultRow as a numerically indexed array.

req4c_fetch_prev - returns the previous ResultRow

req4c_get_apprc - returns the exit code of the 4C program that created <resultset>

req4c_get_error_msg - returns the error msg set

req4c_get_error_num - returns the error number set

req4c_get_first_prog - returns the 4C program name that generated the

req4c_get_first_type - returns the 4C type that generated the

req4c_get_last_prog - returns the 4C program name that generated the

req4c_get_last_type - returns the 4C type that generated the

req4c_get_next_prog - returns the 4C program name that generated the

req4c_get_next_type - returns the 4C type that generated the

req4c_get_num_errors - returns the number of errors in the current

req4c_get_num_msgs - returns the number of info msgs in the current

req4c_get_num_results - returns the the number of ResultRows in <resultset>

req4c_get_prev_prog - returns the 4C program name that generated the

req4c_get_prev_type - returns the 4C type that generated the

req4c_get_prog - returns the 4C program name that generated the

req4c_get_sessionid - returns the sessionid string of the session.

req4c_get_type - returns the 4C type that generated the

req4c_log - writes a string to the req4c log file

req4c_open_session - opens a req4c session

req4c_run - runs a 4C program and returns a req4c ResultSet.

req4c_use_session - sets the requested session as the current session.

req4c_verify_session - verifies that a session is valid and can be used.

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