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Overview of Web4C

Up until now the only way to access 4C data from a Web program was to store the data in a database that had a Web interface. Though there is nothing wrong with this approach, it does add an extra layer of complexity to the application. You either have to replicate the data to the database or use the database as your main 4C database. You also lose the ability to filter the data using 4C. There has been increasing interest in accessing 4C data without going through this middle layer. Some of the ideas that have come up are: For a first pass at allowing Web access to 4C, we have implemented a PHP extension called req4c. One or more of the other options may be implemented in the future, depending on interest, but for now req4c will be the main way to interact with 4C programs through the Web. req4c is documented here: req4c Documentaion