Linux Install Notes

Linux Install Notes

You need version 2.2 or higher of the Linux Kernel
for 4c to work

If selinux is enabled, it may be necessary run "chcon -t texrel_shlib_t lib"
on all 4c .so libraries in HOME_4C/lib

For simple automatic startup of the 4csrvrd daemon on Linux
systems you can:

Add a line in /etc/rc.d/rc.local to run correct script
A more robust way of startup and shutdown is to create a script file, 4csrvrd, in /etc/init.d Assuming that 4c was installed in /home/usr4c, it will look like this
# 4csrvrd - Start and Stop script for the 4c Server Daemon
# On stop, all running 4c processes are also killed
case "$1" in
    "start") /bin/sh /home/usr4c/
             touch /var/lock/subsys/4csrvrd
    "stop") /bin/sh /home/usr4c/
            rm -f /var/lock/subsys/4csrvrd
        *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
           exit 1
exit 0
# End of 4csrvrd
Then you must create symbolic links from this file to each of the following: Where nn and mm are any 2 digits. Use the same 2 nn digits for each of the K symbolic links. Use the same 2 mm digits for each of the S symbolic links.

Do not call from /etc/rc.d/rc.local if you have set up the 4csrvrd script and symbolic links

The permissions on /etc/init.d/4csrvrd should be owner/group both root and rwx-r-x-r-x