4C Client/Server - Install Overview

4C Client/Server - Install Overview

In order to run the 4C Client/Server you need to download and install two parts, the client and the server.

Use the ptrs at www.4csoftware.com/downloads.html to navigate the download.

The only client currently available is a 32bit x86 client that runs on the following Windows OS's The Server installs on Unix machines using the normal 4cinst.sh. In order to install the 4c server, untar the install file and cd to the 4cinst.d directory and run the 4cinst.sh shellscript. You should make sure that for the first time you have a clean XLBIN and XLSYSTEM directory. Any binaries left over from previous versions of 4C will cause problems.

Detailed Server Install and startup instructions are included in the README file on the install tape.

Post Install


Here are some short notes on the 4c client server that may be of interest.

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