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sys.message() displays either an error or an info message.
ret = sys.message(<smflags>,arg1[,arg2,...arg15);

<smflags> - Integer flags that can be or'd together. Possible values are:

AnyType - <arg[1-15]> - Multiple flds that are formated and concatenated to form the message. The difference between SM_DELIM and SM_SEP is that SM_DELIM displays before first arg and after last arg as well as between all args. SM_NOSEP - Specifies not to display a separator char between args. If none of SM_DELIM|SM_SEP|SM_NOSEP are specified, a space character displays between args. SF
0 - Currently the only value that can be returned.
Where Used:
sys.message() can be called from anywhere.
sys.message(SM_INFO|SM_TITLE,"4CSys Info","No Such Program");
sys.message() displays either an error or an info message. This is meant to replace both sys.msg() and sys.err_msg(). If you do not specify a title as part of the sys.message() statement, then 4c will use the application ErrorWinTitle or the application InfoWinTitle if specified in the _4CSRVRCONFIG file. If no title is specified then 4C will use the name of the application followed by either " - Info" or " - Error" for the window title.

4CServer version 5.0.6-05 or higher is required for using non alpha arguments
4CServer version 5.0.6-05 or higher is required for specifying SM_LOG, SM_FMT, SM_SEP, SM_NOSEP, and SM_DELIM flags.
If none of SM_ERROR, SM_INFO, or SM_LOG are specified, then SM_ERROR is assumed.
If SM_LOG is specified and neither SM_ERROR nor SM_INFO are, then amessage is written to the ErrLogFile, but nothing is displayed to the user.
See Also:

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