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Overview - Overview of 4C Utility Programs

4cmsg - allows you to send a message to all 4c clients at once.

4cshutdown - allows you to gracefully shutdown all 4c processes.

4cenv - allows you to run under the environment of a specific 4c app.

xlbuild - compiles 4C programs and 4C files

xlconv - converts a 4C data file to a new file type.

xlcopy - copies rcds from 1 4C data file to another.

xlcr - creates a 4C file.

xldel - deletes rcds from a 4C data file.

xlexport - exports 4C program and file specifications

xlfile - allows you to add/modify/delete rcds from a 4C data file.

xlfldoc - displays the 4C file definition for each file

xlflgrep - matches a string or a regular expression in a 4C data file.

xlflrpt - prints 4C Data Fields

xlimport - imports 4C program and file specifications

xlkeys - lists the keys in a file.

xlscopy - copies text data from a text file to the

xlset - sets the values of fields in a 4C data file.

xlupd - reads a var sequential file with field separators

xlview - displays 4c shared memory

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