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xlscopy copies text data from a text file to the text data fields of a 4C sequenced file.
xlscopy <option> [ <optarg> ] ...

-c <count>
-d <spec directory> corresponds to 4C file - 2nd -f
-f <filename> must be specified twice
-n <ext file name> corresponds to 4C file - 2nd -f
-s <start keys>
-H - Help
0 - Normal Exit
1 - Error Exit
xlscopy -f readfile.p -f sys.spcl_help -s sys.read_file

This reads the text file readfile.p and for each line read writes one rcd to the sys.spcl_help file. Rcds written to the sys.spcl_help file will have keys

sys.readfile    0001
sys.readfile    0002
sys.readfile    0003
sys.readfile    0004

If there are rcds in the sys.spcl_help file with keys "sys.readfile 0005" thru "sys.readfile 9999", they will be deleted.
xlscopy reads a sequential text file, specified by the 1st -f option and writes rcds to a 4C sequenced file. The -f option must be specified twice. The 1st -f identifies the sequential file by its op sys name, and the second -f identifies the 4C file by its 4C name. The sequential file does not need to have a 4C file definition. All primary key fields preceding the sequence number must be specified by -s options. Any trailing rcds in the 4C data file with the same starting keys will be deleted.
See Also:

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