
4C came about in 1986 when Dennis Noon and Kevin English decided that they needed a better tool for writing business applications. Machines were getting more powerful and customers were demanding more features. After searching and trying multiple tools that promised to solve this problem, they found that they kept running into the "Brick Wall Syndrome." Some of the tools were easy to use and easy to write simple programs with. Unfortunately none of them made the real hard problems easier. In fact with some of the tools, you just couldn't write complicated programs at all.

Since it was clear that the customers were not going to be satisfied with simple programs they decided to write their own tool and to fund the development by selling better applications. The strategy worked well and although 4C as a business application programming tool is hardly a household word, all the applications ever developed using 4C have been successful.

The early versions of 4C ran on Unix operating systems and worked with character based terminals. Even those early versions had an impresive windowed user interface that end users loved.

As the hardware and software industry evolved, 4C evolved with it. As more and more users started using desktop pcs running some version of Microsoft Windows, 4C was rewritten as a Client/Server application. 4C programs now run on any 4C server machine, and they display on a thin client running on either a MS Windows workstation or a MacOS X machine.

4CSoftware continues to develop 4C so that our customers can continue to develop the best end user applications on the market.

4C Advantages

Some of the advantages of using 4C to write business applications are:

Industries Running 4C Applications

Our clients have used 4C to write applications in many areas including, but not limited to: 4C Applications are used by small companies as well as by some fortune 500 companies.

4C Applications have competed successfully against applications written by such industry giants as SAP and JD Edwards.

4C Applications have been installed in many US States as well as in Canada, UK, Belgium, Cayman Islands, Bahamas, Ecuador, and Costa Rica.

Some 4C Application Developers


From DNA Data Systems:

4C is an absolutely superb development environment for business/database applications. Its major benefits are: Other features we like are: DNA cannot recommend 4C too highly. It is extremely stable and reliable and, most importantly for a classic VAR like DNA, the end users love the applications.

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