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word4c is a 4c client program that interfaces with Microsoft Word
word4c <option> [ <optarg> ] ...

-d <worddocument> - This option can be used to open an existing word document. It is ignored if the -t option is used.
-t <worddatatemplate>
-o Min - If winword is not yet running, start it minimized.
-o Hide - If winword is not yet running, start it hidden.
-o Exit - If winword is not yet running, exit when word4c finishes.
The older method of calling word4c, passing it just the <worddatatemplate> is still supported:

word4c <worddatatemplate>

An example of using word4c to communicate with winword is the tmp.word.demo.s program in the 4c bootstrap directory. In order for this to work correctly, the client machine needs a /tmp directory and you should copy the word template from the 4C/samples directory to 4C/lib.
Word4c can be used in two ways. If you specify the -d <docname> option it will act the same as if you used the shell to open the document. Nothing interesting here. This was useful in the past before 4c had the sys.cl_open() call.

The more intersting way of using word4c is to call it with the -t <worddatatemplate> option. The <worddatatemplate> file must exist. It can be created on the fly by the server, as tmp.word.demo does, or it can be created in some other manner. In any case, the <worddatatemplate> file is a simple text file with the following format:

Each line consists of a type followed by one or more data fields. The type must start as the first character of the line and data fields must be separated from the type and each other by tabs. Lines that start with a '#' are comments and ignored. Unrecognized types are also ignored.

At any one time, the word document you are editing will have a current UpdateState. The current UpdateState is controlled by the <worddatatemplate> file. The Update state is always one of:

The initial update state is OnCreate.

The types currently recognized are:

Here's a sample <worddatatemplate> file with comments to help illustrate the basic ideas
WordDoc  Name=/tmp/m_menubar.doc,Open,Create,Template=./fhtemplate
# The following 3 book mark commands only
# gets processed if we created a new document
Bookmark  Name=FN1,Replace=m_menubar
Bookmark  Name=FN2,Replace=m_menubar
Bookmark  Name=FN3,Replace=m_menubar
# The next two only get processed if
# an existing document was opened
Bookmark  Name=DESC1,"Replace=4C Motif Menubar Hdr File"
Bookmark  Name=SYSSIZE1,Replace="448"
# Now, all following bookmark statements,
# insert statements, and execute statements get
# processed no matter what
Bookmark  Name=USRSIZE1,Replace="220"
Bookmark  Name=VER1,Replace=2.1
Bookmark  Name=VERDATE1,Goto
  The right of the people to be secure in there persons,
  houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches
  and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall
  issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or
  affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be
  searched, and the person or things to be seized.
# This marks the end of the Insert text
Bookmark  Name=rtOfDoc,Goto
Execute   FilePrint
Execute   FileSaveAs,'"c:/tmp/x1.doc"'
Execute   FileExit
Even when -o Hide or -o Min is specified, winword sometimes chooses to show itself. This is completely version dependant and may change anytime you install a new MS service pack or new version of word.

Currently, it is not possible to run word4c and have it create a document, but not save that document. This is because winword will not allow a DDE session with a document that is not saved. Even though it will show "Document1" as an available DDE topic, it never starts the DDE session. If you know how to do this, please let me know.

If you don't specify a document name in your <worddatatemplate>, you may not see an error message, but it is unlikely to work as expected.

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