You can set the "Path" option in the _4CSRVRCONFIG file
to indicate that all following applications should be grouped together
under the same menu under Application submenu.
ShowUser -
Displays authenticated username in the layout title.
ShowDate -
Displays current date in the layout title.
ShowTime -
Displays current time in the layout title.
PSHDrConnInfo -
Prints connection info in the hdr of a PrintScreen page.
PSHdrUser -
Prints authenticated username in the hdr of a PrintScreen page.
PSHdrDate -
Prints current date in the hdr of a PrintScreen page.
PSHdrTime -
Prints current time in the hdr of a PrintScreen page.
PSHdrLayoutTitle -
Prints the layout title in the hdr of a PrintScreen page.
12 June 2008
Version 4.4.8 and higher
You can specify Client Timeouts as well as Server Timeouts
in the XLCONFIG file.
26 March 2008
Version 4.4.7 and higher
Env vars can be used in the directory path lists used in _4CSRVRCONFIG.
For example you could use the following to specify a program path list
for a particular application:
21 November 2007
You can specify ReconnectTimeout in the _4CSRVRCONFIG file.
If set, you do not need to set AllowReconnect also.
You can modify the default values for FC_APPDATA(Unix only),
FC_DOCUMENTS(Unix only), and FC_TEMP (Win32 and Unix)
4C Environment Variables
for details.
Env var FC_SESSION will be set for both 4C server and 4C client processes,
version 4.4.4 and higher.
It will be different for each 4C process and will be
deleted at the end of the session.
05 March 2007
The following env vars will be guaranteed
to be set for both clients and servers
running Version 4.4.2 or higher.