You can now embed SQL statements in regular 4C programs. The statements allowed are:

In order for 4C to know what connection you want to use, it checks the value of the XLEXTTYPE env var. The XLEXTTYPE env var must be set to a valid external type which corresponds to a record in the sys.ext_type file.

4C parses all SQL statements at compile time and saves them in a way that they can be passed to any of the supported databases at run time. The database will parse the statement at run time also. 4C does not keep the sql statements in a prepared state after they have been processed. It may do so in the future if it seems necessary. If you find, that you are running the same sql statement, possibly with different input parameters, thousands of times, then you might benefit from this functionality.

4C SQL statements are always executed as part of the current transaction.

4C SQL Statements can be intermixed with other PCL statements and system PCL calls including sys.read_file() and sys.upd_file() calls.

SQL keywords can be written in either upper or lowercase letters but not mixed case. Either select or SELECT is recognized, but Select is not. All sql statements in 4C must end with a semicolon.

There are several new fields in the local system file that allow you to check sql returns and messages. They are:

A more detailed description of each type of SQL statement follows along with some examples. Please note that this is not meant to be a tutorial on sql and is only meant to point out how to use sql statements in 4C. If you would like my preference for an SQL book, it is:

Understanding Relational Language Components
Jim Melton and Alan R. Simon
Published by Morgan Kaufman
ISBN - 1-55860-456-1


select - This is the standard SQL select statement.

In order to read all columns from a single table you might use a statement like:

select * from cust_mstr where cm_code = 'KJE001'

The above statement is about the same as if you had done the following:

cm_code = 'KJE001'

Assuming that the 4c var cm_code has been set by the application you could also use:

select * from cust_mstr where cm_code = :cm_code;

The above examples fetch all columns from a single tuple. The columns fetched end up in the 4C vars for the 4C file cust_mstr. If you choose, can can fetch only some of the columns as in the following:

select cm_code, cm_name from cust_mstr where cm_code = :cm_code;

In this case only the cm_code and cm_name 4c vars are modified by the select statement.

You may prefer to have the columns fetched into different 4C vars than those that correspond to the 4c file. If so, then you must provide an into clause with the select:

select cm_code, cm_name from cust_mstr into :cmcode1, :cmname1 where
  cm_code = :cm_code;
or alternately

select cm_code, cm_name from cust_mstr where cm_code = :cm_code
  into :cmcode1, :cmname1;

After any select statement you can check the value of sql_ret. It will be one of SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_NODATA, or SQL_ERROR.

So far we have looked at select statements that return a single tuple. In fact, if you use a select statement like those above that return more than one tuple, you will only get the first tuple.

The SQL way of processing multiple tuples returned in a select statement is to use cursors. Cursors are ugly and awkward to use, so 4C currently deviates from standard SQL and provides a FOREACH statement. Assuming you want to use an SQL select to iterate through all the cust_mstr tuples with the same city, you would do the following:

cmcity = sys.get_answer("Which City?","",30,GA_INPNORMAL);
FOREACH (select * from cust_mstr where cm_city = :cmcity;) {
         * Do other 4C processing here

Withing the FOREACH statement, the system variable sql_nrows will have the current row number being processed. Afterward, it will have the total number of rows processed. Note that the semicolon is still necessary at the end of the sql statement.

If it is necessary, I will implement the cursor statements that are standard SQL.

Some other select statements that are possible include:

select count(*) from cust_mstr into :count;

Note that the into clause was necessary here since 4C has no way of knowing where to put the returned column.

The standard ways of joining tables are supported. You can look this stuff up in your sql reference books.


update - This is the standard SQL update statement.

The following would be acceptable update statements


delete - This is the standard SQL delete statement. The following would be acceptable delete statements


insert - This is the standard SQL insert statement. The following would be acceptable insert statements


call - Call a stored procedure or function

Some examples of calling a stored procedure follow:

Currently, stored procedures that return reference cursors or multiple result sets are not suported. Stored procedures that return result sets must have an into clause and can be used as part of a FOREACH loop.


SQL - Use this for non standard sql statements for your database.

Some pssibilities might be:

For the most part, if you stick to using standard SQL, you will not need to use the SQL statement.

Please note that in any sql stmt, there is a very big difference between a parameter and a column. The statement,

update cust_mstr set cm_amount = cm_amount;

is very different from
update cust_mstr set cm_amount = :cm_amount;
The first accomplishes nothing, while the second takes the current value of the 4C file var cm_amount and stores it the cm_amount column of each tuple in the cust_mstr table.

4C SQL Grammar

Here is the complete grammar that 4C recognizes:
sql_list                : sql ''
sql                             : manipulative_statement
                                : delete_statement_searched
                                | insert_statement
                                | select_statement
                                | spcall
                                | native_sql_statement
                                | update_statement_searched
                                : _DELETE _FROM table opt_where_clause
insert_statement: _INSERT _INTO table paren_column_ref_commalist
                                | _INSERT _INTO table values_or_query_spec
                                : _SQL opt_spresulteq _STRING opt_into_clause
                                | _SQL opt_spresulteq _DQSTRING opt_into_clause
                                | _SQL opt_spresulteq _NAME opt_into_clause
select_statement: query_spec opt_order_by_clause opt_into_clause
spcall                  :
        _CALL opt_spresulteq _NAME '(' opt_spparamlist ')' opt_into_clause
                                : _UPDATE table _SET assignment_commalist opt_where_clause
values_list             : '(' insert_atom_commalist ')'
                                : values_list
                                | values_comma_list ',' values_list
                                : _VALUES values_comma_list
                                | query_spec
query_spec              : _SELECT opt_all_distinct selection opt_into_clause table_exp
                                | query_spec _UNION opt_all_distinct query_spec
                                | query_spec _EXCEPT opt_all_distinct query_spec
                                | query_spec _INTERSECT opt_all_distinct query_spec
                                | '(' query_spec ')'
selection               : scalar_exp_commalist
                                | '*'
from_clause             : _FROM table_ref_commalist
where_clause    : _WHERE search_condition
subquery                : '(' query_spec ')'
derived_table   : table_subquery
table_exp               : from_clause opt_where_clause opt_group_by_clause
table_ref               : table
                                | table opt_as range_variable
                                | joined_table
table_subquery  : subquery
table_primary   : table
table                   : _NAME
                                | _NAME '.' _NAME
                                | derived_table opt_as correlation_name opt_derived_column_list
tabledotstar    : table _DOTSTAR
joined_table    : cross_join
                        | qualified_join
                        | natural_join
                        | union_join
cross_join              : table_ref _CROSSJOIN table_primary
qualified_join  : table_ref opt_join_type _JOIN
                                        table_ref join_specification
natural_join    : table_ref _NATURAL opt_join_type _JOIN table_primary
union_join              : table_ref _UNIONJOIN table_primary
join_type               : _INNER
                        | outer_join_type opt_outer
outer_join_type : _LEFT
                        | _RIGHT
                        | _FULL
                                : join_condition
                        | named_columns_join
join_condition  : _ON search_condition
                                : _USING '(' join_column_list ')'
join_column_list: column_ref_commalist
assignment              : column_ref '=' scalar_exp
                                | column_ref '=' _NULLX
search_condition: search_condition _OR search_condition
                                | search_condition _AND search_condition
                                | _NOT search_condition
                                | '(' search_condition ')'
                                | predicate
predicate               : comparison_predicate
                                | between_predicate
                                | like_predicate
                                | test_for_null
                                | in_predicate
                                | all_or_any_predicate
                                | existence_test
comparison_op   : '='
                                | _COMPARISON
                                : scalar_exp comparison_op scalar_exp
                                | scalar_exp comparison_op subquery
                                : scalar_exp _NOT _BETWEEN scalar_exp _AND scalar_exp
                                | scalar_exp _BETWEEN scalar_exp _AND scalar_exp
like_predicate  : scalar_exp _NOT _LIKE atom opt_escape
                                | scalar_exp _LIKE atom opt_escape
test_for_null   : column_ref _IS _NOT _NULLX
                                | column_ref _IS _NULLX
in_predicate    : scalar_exp _NOT _IN subquery
                                | scalar_exp _IN subquery
                                | scalar_exp _NOT _IN '(' atom_commalist ')'
                                | scalar_exp _IN '(' atom_commalist ')'
                                : scalar_exp comparison_op any_all_some subquery
any_all_some    : _ANY
                                | _ALL
                                | _SOME
existence_test  : _EXISTS subquery
scalar_exp              : scalar_exp '+' scalar_exp
                                | scalar_exp '-' scalar_exp
                                | scalar_exp '*' scalar_exp
                                | scalar_exp '/' scalar_exp
                                | '+' scalar_exp %prec _UMINUS
                                | '-' scalar_exp %prec _UMINUS
                                | atom
                                | column_ref
                                | function_ref
                                | ext_function_ref
                                | tabledotstar
                                | '(' scalar_exp ')'
function_ref    : _AMMSC '(' '*' ')'
                                | _AMMSC '(' _DISTINCT column_ref ')'
                                | _AMMSC '(' _ALL scalar_exp ')'
                                | _AMMSC '(' scalar_exp ')'
                                        _NAME '(' opt_spparamlist ')'
atom                    : parameter_ref
                                | literal
column_ref              : column_ref '[' _INTNUM ']'
                                | _NAME
                                | _NAME '.' _NAME
                                | _NAME '.' _NAME '.' _NAME
correlation_name: _NAME
                                : column_ref_commalist
insert_atom             : atom
                                | _NULLX
into_clause             : _INTO target_commalist
literal                 : _STRING
                                | _INTNUM
                                | _APPROXNUM
ordering_spec   : _INTNUM opt_asc_desc
                                | column_ref opt_asc_desc
parameter               : _PARAMETER
parameter_ref   : parameter_ref '[' _INTNUM ']'
                                | parameter
range_variable  : _NAME
spparam                 : atom opt_inout
target                  : parameter_ref
                                : assignment
                                | assignment_commalist ',' assignment
atom_commalist  : atom
                                | atom_commalist ',' atom
                                : column_ref
                                | column_ref_commalist ',' column_ref
                                : insert_atom
                                | insert_atom_commalist ',' insert_atom
                                : ordering_spec
                                | ordering_spec_commalist ',' ordering_spec
                                : '(' column_ref_commalist ')'
                                : scalar_exp
                                | scalar_exp_commalist ',' scalar_exp
                                : spparam
                                | spparam_commalist ',' spparam
                                : table_ref
                                | table_ref_commalist ',' table_ref
target_commalist: target
                                | target_commalist ',' target
opt_all_distinct: /* Empty */
                                | _ALL
                                | _DISTINCT
opt_as                  : /* Empty */
                                | _AS
opt_asc_desc    : /* Empty */
                                | _ASC
                                | _DESC
                                : /* Empty */
                        | '(' derived_column_list ')'
opt_escape              : /* Empty */
                                | _ESCAPE atom
                                : /* Empty */
                                | _GROUP _BY column_ref_commalist
                                : /* Empty */
                                | _HAVING search_condition
opt_inout               : /* Empty */
                                | _IN
                                | _OUT
                                | _INOUT
opt_into_clause : /* Empty */
                                | into_clause
opt_join_type   : /* Empty */
                                | join_type
                                : /* Empty */
                                | _ORDER _BY ordering_spec_commalist
opt_outer               : /* Empty */
                                | _OUTER
opt_spresulteq  : /* Empty */
                                | parameter_ref '='
                                : /* Empty */
                                | spparam_commalist
opt_where_clause: /* Empty */
                                | where_clause

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