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FCCom::Alloc() allocates and initializes one connection option
<connident> = FCCom::Alloc([ <optname>,<optval> ]...);

alpha <optname> - name of an option to set on this connection

The <optname>, <optval> pairs can be repeated up to 8 times. Specifying certain global options when calling FCCom::Alloc() is a convenience. Any option that can be set here can also be set using FCCom::SetOption()
integer <connident> - The id to use when making library calls that need to identify this connection. This id will be >= 0 unless there is an error in the options passed. If there is an error, -1 is returned.
Where Used:
FCComm::Alloc() can be called from anywhere.
FCCom::Alloc() allocates the data structures necessary in order to make HTTP requests. It returns an integer that is used as an id for other FCCom library calls. The application must call FCCom::Free(<connident>) or FCCom::FreeAll() when this connection is no longer needed in order to free the resources associated with this connection. Options that can be specified in the FCCom::Alloc() call are:
See Also:
FCCom Function List

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