4C Panels Change Log
4C Panels Change Log
01 August 2012
Version 5.2.3 and higher
Option panels
can be used as long as both client and server versions are
at least 5.2.3
01 May 2007
Version 4.4.4 and higher
The Panel Screen painter will show margins for List and ListView panels.
Panels can have a background color.
Panels can have a background image.
Using Screen Images
You can specify margin widths and heights and spacing
in units of Pixels, Points, Inches, Millimeters, or DialogUnits.
You can specify a MinWidth, MinHeight, PrefWidth, and PrefHeight
for a panel in units of Pixels, Points, Inches, Millimeters, or DialogUnits.
This is useful for panels that have no children and are used
only for displaying a background image.
Non leaf panels do not have to have child panels.
28 May 2006
Version 4.4.0 and higher
inplist and sellist sdftypes will use an extra
space for displaying the dropdown arrow.
This will be most noticeable in Form panels with
very narrow dropdown lists.
You can override this by specifying the ncols attribute.
The wpnlsp program will allow you to Align and Stretch
dfields easily.
This is most useful in Form panels.
01 May 2006
Version 4.4.0 and higher
If you define a "fixed" font class in your
font def file, form children will use this
instead of list in the paint mode.
It will look for it first under "tiny", then "small",
then "default".
If not found, then it will still use the "list" font
when drawing on the form.
09 April 2006
Version 4.4.0 and higher
Specifying a title, frame, and margins for a TabFolder panel
will work.
You can specify a grabw or grabh value < 0 to prevent
the subpanel from ever getting any of the extra
available width and height.
09 October 2005
The status area of the panel screen painter
shows more display field info.
12 September 2005
<ctrl+shift+arrowkey> allows you to increase or decrease the
ncols or nrows attribute of dfields.
29 December 2003
There is a new field in sys.pnl_hdr, sys.pnh_adjspcng, that
is used to specify the percent of extra space that should
be used for spacing in HRowCol and VRowCol panels.
For non-leaf panels,
any extra space not explicitly constrained
by the panel definition will be given to
the children panels.
For leaf panels,
any extra space adjustment not explicitly set
in the panel specification will be given to
the right and bottom margins.
HRowCol and VRowCol panels may be affected by the
above changes, since the default was to give extra
height in a VRowCol, and extra width in an HRowCol
to spacing.
Now, you need to explicitly set sys.pnh_adjspcng
field when you need the extra height in a VRowCol or
the extra width in an HRowCol to get used by spacing.
This can be set either through the bootstraps,
or by using the PanelSP.
28 December 2003
The PanelSP will show a thin line around panels
that don't have a frame in the Canvas view for the program.
This will make it easier to see where you may want to insert
new panels and dfields.
There is a menu option, ShowPanels, in the File menu
that allows for toggling this feature on a per program basis.
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