Set the Initial Option Panel to restart on exit.
This allows the user to cancel from the list and input different
search parameters without having to use the mouse.
Use a "Refresh" cmd btn as well as the <user1> fkey and a context menu
item to refresh the main panel.
The "refresh" PCL will have code similar to the following.
if (sys.get_fltype()==FLTYPE_INIT)
Use a "restart" PCL to reset the initial passed in values to the program
to their initial values.
The code to use is
Use multiple context menus so that the same fkey can be used differently in
the Initial Option panel fld loop and the Main field loop.
Use the Option Panel Changed PCL to set the conext menu correctly.
The code to use is
if (sys.get_fltype()==FLTYPE_INIT)
else {
if (sys.get_fltype()==FLTYPE_DRIVER)
sys.set_cmenu(CMINIT); /* Not acting as the init panel */
Make the default SPC <accept> and catch the <accept> key and exit the
program with code 0 when caught.
Examples of search programs that follow the above guidelines