Create the Version Control Bootstrap files.
These MUST exist in your 4C Spec directory.
If they do not, then you will be adding records to
the ones in the bootstrap spec directory.
These will most likely be overwritten the
next time the bootstrap programs are installed.
The following commands will create the files you need:
xlcr -f sc_cntl -n <4cDir>
xlcr -f sc_hdr -n <4cDir>
xlcr -f sc_prog -n <4cDir>
xlcr -f sc_file -n <4cDir>
xlcr -f sc_slhdr -n <4cDir>
xlcr -f sc_prcmnt -n <4cDir>
xlcr -f sc_flcmnt -n <4cDir>
xlcr -f sc_slcmnt -n <4cDir>