Goto: 4C Home | 4C Docs | System PCLs List sys.cl_browse()


sys.cl_browse() starts a file/dir browse dialog on the client.
nfiles = sys.cl_browse(<fullpath>,<startdir>,<deffilename>,<defext>,<filter>,<title>,<flags>);

alpha <retarray> - A variable to hold the returned results. If this is an aray var, then it can hold multiple fullpath names. If there are more fullpaths returned than will fit in fullpath sys_ret will be set to SYSRET_PARTIAL. If all paths Chave been returned sys_ret will be set to SYSRET_OK.

alpha <startdir> - The directory on the client to start the browse in. If used, this should be a full path and any of the FC_ env vars can be used by specifying something like ${FC_TEMP} or ${FC_HOME} etc.

alpha <deffilename> - A default filename to use.

alpha <defext> - A default extension without the "." to use

alpha <filter> - A list of filters. This is a comma separated list of "desc:*.ext" pairs. In order to browse for both text files and rich text files set the filter to something like "All Text Files:*.txt,Rich Text Files:*.rtf". Use "All Files:*.*" to allow filtering on all files.

alpha <title> - Set this to the non empty string to specify a custom title on the dialog.

integer <flags> - Combinations of
integer <nfiles> - The number of fullpath names that have been stored in fullpath or fullpath[0] - fullpath[n]
> 0 - <nfiles> fullpath names have been stored. sys_ret may be set to SYSRET_PARTIAL to indicate more files were selected but the fullpath array did not allow room for storing all of them
  0 - User probably cancelled out of the dialog. sys_ret will be set to SYSRET_CANCEL.
-1 - Some Error - Depends on mode and error code set in sys.errno. If the client doesn't support browsing, then sys_ret will be set to SYSRET_ERRNOTSUPPORTED
Where Used:
sys.cl_browse() can be called from any 4c program as long as it is connected to an interactive client.
The demo.clbrowse.1 program in the Demo app shows how to use sys.cl_browse().
sys.cl_browse() starts a file/dir browse dialog on the client. When processing the fullpath filenames, the application should must verify that the file can be opened with the desired access.
4csrvr version 5.0.6-05 or higher
4cclient version 5.0.6-05 or higher
If the path is truncated, there is no indication You should make sure that fullpath has room for the largest path that the user can select.
See Also:
Sys PCLs List

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