In the display field maintenance program, sys.df.maint1,
there is a driver for sys.spc_action.
It is run when deleting fields in order to delete all
fkey definitions for that field.
The DrInit PCL for sys.spc_action is sadrinit().
Here is the code:
sys.spca_prname = sys.df_prname ;
sys.spca_varname = sys.df_fieldname ;
By specifying MATCH_FULL, only rcds that match the current values
of sys.spca_prname and sys.spca_varname will be read.
As soon as one of these changes, 4C returns EOF.
In the case of a driver, 4C will run the SelEof PCL.
The final part of the key sys.spca_spc is allowed to vary.
Since S_SPCAVARNAME references a primary key field, the
sys.spc_action is read by primary key during the DrSel state.