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sys.dr_init() initializes the sequential reading of a file.
ret = sys.dr_init(<asfile>,<fldnum>,<matchflag> [, <seektype> ]);

asfile <asfile> - The asfile name of the file to read sequentially.

integer <fldnum> - The CDefine of the field in <asfile> to use as the last non varying part of the key. <fldnum> must be a key field in file <asfile>.

integer <matchflag> - must be MATCH_FULL or MATCH_PARTIAL only. If <fldnum> is alpha, then MATCH_PARTIAL means that the only unvarying part of <fldnum> is up to its current length. MATCH_FULL means that even trailing spaces are non varying.

integer <seektype> - Optional arg that can be either SEEK_START or SEEK_END. The default is SEEK_START. If you specify SEEK_END, then the meaning of F_DRNEXT/F_SEQNEXT and F_DRPREV/F_SEQPREV are reversed.
integer <ret>
0 - This is the only return
Where Used:
sys.dr_init() can be called anytime that sequential reading of a file is required. This most often will be inside of a DrInit PCL.
In the display field maintenance program, sys.df.maint1, there is a driver for sys.spc_action. It is run when deleting fields in order to delete all fkey definitions for that field. The DrInit PCL for sys.spc_action is sadrinit(). Here is the code:

sys.spca_prname = sys.df_prname ;
sys.spca_varname = sys.df_fieldname ;

By specifying MATCH_FULL, only rcds that match the current values of sys.spca_prname and sys.spca_varname will be read. As soon as one of these changes, 4C returns EOF. In the case of a driver, 4C will run the SelEof PCL. The final part of the key sys.spca_spc is allowed to vary. Since S_SPCAVARNAME references a primary key field, the sys.spc_action is read by primary key during the DrSel state.
sys.dr_init() is used to specify a range of rcds that will be read sequentially. Normally, this is done in a DrInit PCL for a particular driver, but it also will work if you do your own sequential reading using sys.read_file(). Before calling sys.dr_init(), the values must be set in ALL key fields up to and including the field referenced by <fldnum>. Any key fields following <fldnum> do not need to be set, and are allowed to vary during the sequential reading. By specifying a <fldnum> that references a secondary key, 4C will read the file by that secondary key. The <matchflag> is used to specify if the entire field referenced by <fldnum> (including trailing spaces) must not vary (MATCH_FULL), or if trailing spaces in the current value are allowed to vary (MATCH_PARTIAL). MATCH_PARTIAL has no meaning for non alpha fields.
See Also:

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