sys.field_wasinp() indicates whether the current field
allowed input from the user or not.
if (sys.field_wasinp())
0 - Current field did not allow input for some reason.
This could be because sys.end_field() was called from the
FldSfld PCL, the field is display only, Accept was entered
on a field preceding this field, Ftab was entered on a field
preceding this field, or a scrolling program is in column modify
mode on a different field.
1 - The current field allowed input
This does not necesarily mean that anything was input, only
that the user was prompted for input.
The user could have entered <CR> only and the return will
still be 1.
-1 - There is no current field.
Where Used:
sys.field_wasinp() can be called only during FIELD processing.
This is an example from the bootstrap
program sys.df.maint1
End field PCL for sys.df_litflag
If no input was allowed on this field,
do not push the lit maint program
if (sys.field_wasinp() == 0)
sys.field_wasinp() allows the user program
to determine if the current field allowed input or not.
Mainly it is used to know whether a field did not allow input
because of forward tabbing, column modify mode, or end of data.
It is useful in determining whether other programs should be
pushed or not.
It should only be called from the FldEfld PCL of any field.
sys.field_wasinp() does not indicate what the user may have
input, only that input was allowed.
The user could have entered <CR> or a function key, and the
return will still be 1.
See Also: