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sys.get_answer() prompts the user for input.
val = sys.get_answer(<prompt>,<defanswer>,<maxlen>,<gaflags>);

<prompt> - An alpha value used to prompt the user for input.

<defanswer> - An alpha value that is the default answer if the user just presses return or OK.

<maxlen> - Integer value indicating max number of characters the user may enter.

<gaflags> - Integer flags that can be or'd together. Possible values are:
Returns the characters typed by the user unless the user presses the <cancel> key. If the user presses the <cancel> key then the return is an empty alpha.

In addition to the alpha return, sys.get_answer will set sys_ret to either GA_OK or GA_CANCEL.
Where Used:
sys.get_answer() can be called from anywhere.
if (sys.get_answer("Are You Sure?",'y',1,GA_DEFAULT) != 'y') sys.exit_prog(-1);
sys.get_answer() is a simple way to get input from the user. The default way that sys.get_answer() displays is as a prompt and a text field at the bottom of the current layout. If there is no current layout or the current layout already has a sys.get_answer() running then sys.get_answer() will display as a Dialog box on top of the current layout. This default behavior can be modified either by changing the _4CSRVRCONFIG file or by modifying the client preferences. When sys.get_answer() returns the application can tell if the user cancelled by simply checking sys_ret. sys_ret will have one the following values only:
See Also:

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