Goto: 4C Home | 4C Docs | System PCLs List sys.mk_temp()


sys.mk_temp() returns a fullpath name that can be used to create a temporary file.
fullpath = sys.mktemp(<fnstart> [, <dirname> ]);

alpha <fnstart> - The starting chars to use for the basename.

alpha <dirname> - Optional directory to use instead of ${FC_TEMP}
alpha <fullpath> - The fullpath name that can be used as a temporary file.
Where Used:
sys.mk_temp() can be called from anywhere.
The 4cSys global PCL, sys.app_trace(), uses sys.mk_temp() to find a name to be used in creating a uniq trace file. It passes in "trc" as the <fnstart> argument so the return will be the fullpath name to the FC_TEMP dir followed by "/tr-<pid>.<ext>" where <pid> is an 8 digit process id of the calling 4csrvr and <ext> is a uniq extension.
Use sys.mk_temp() when you may need to create a uniq temporary file. sys.mk_temp() does not create the file, it just returns a fullpath that at the time of call did not exist in the filesystem and the caller should be able to create a file with that name. sys.mk_temp() always uses the FC_TEMP directory for the beginning of the fullpath name returned.
4csrvr version 6.4.4 and later
The optional directory name is available on 4csrvr version 6.4.8 and later
See Also: See Also
Sys PCLs List

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