This PCL is meant to be called only from a Driver Init
It can be used to enable auto sequencing of the driver
file, to allow the renumbering cmd to be used in sys.dr_epedit(),
and to allow interleaving of sorting and processing of records.
It can also be used to disable any of these three options,
however, this is not of much use yet.
The options may be or'd together.
The DR_INTERLEAVE option is incompatible with both
Using DR_DEFAULT sets the driver options to the default
driver options specified in the driver definition screen.
When DR_INTERLEAVE is specified, 4C will sort and
select only enough records to display one screenfull of data
at a time.
The timing is different when using this option.
Some Driver Proc PCLs will be interleaved with the Driver
Sort/Select PCLs.
The Driver End Sort PCL may be executed after some Driver Proc
The advantage of using this option with some screens is so
that the user does not need to wait a long time to build the
temp file before seeing a screen full of data.
The temp file will still be built.
This option is meant for screen drivers.
When the program driver characteristics allow a flag to
specify DR_INTERLEAVE, the DR_NOINTERLEAVE option can be used
in the Driver Init PCL to disable interleave.
The DR_AUTOSEQ option directs 4C to automatically sequence the driver
When used, you cannot use DR_INTERLEAVE.
After building the temp file, if 4C detects any records
out of sequence, the are sequenced immediately.
If the program uses sys.dr_epedit(), then
deleting records causes immediate resequencing.
If records are deleted in any other manner than through
sys.dr_epedit(), the records will not be resequenced.
However, there is no problem with missing sequence numbers.
The next time a driver that autosequences is run with that
file, the records will be resequenced.
Records can only be inserted using sys.dr_epedit().
Inserting records first causes all records following the place of
insertion to be resequenced with as high a sequence as possible.
So, the user does not need to specify how many records he wants
to insert.
When ending insert mode,
4C will resequence any records that need to be resequenced.
No conversion is necessary on any files whose last primary
key can be used as a sequence number.
Also, not all drivers that use a sequenced file need to
enable autosequencing.
Any length sequence number can be used, except it MUST be an alpha
storage type.
4C will left fill the sequence number with zero's when it calculates it.
When adding, right now you need to set the sequence number yourself,
but later 4C will do it automatically.
To set, use the Start Fld PCL and a statement like:
seq = sys.fmt_integer(dr_sequence,"9999");
When the program driver characteristics allow a flag to
specify DR_AUTOSEQ, the DR_NOAUTOSEQ option can be used in the
Driver Init PCL to disable the autosequencing.
The DR_RENUMBER option is a flag that signals sys.dr_epedit()
to allow the user to specify 'r' as a command.
The renumber cmd allows the user to renumber all or part
of the selected rcds and to specify the increment to use
when renumbering.
See the section on modifications for using the
renumber command within sys.dr_epedit().
When this option is used, the DR_INTERLEAVE option cannot be
used, or it will be ignored.
When the program driver characteristics allow a flag to
specify DR_RENUMBER, the DR_NORENUMBER option can be used in the
Driver Init PCL to disable renumbering.