sys.sort_by() allows you to specify the order that
driver rcds are sorted in.
ret = sys.sort_by(<asfile>,<fldcdef>,<sorttype>);
asfile <asfile> - The asfile name of the file containing the
field to use in the sort.
integer <fldcdef> - The CDefine of the field in <asfile> to sort
integer <sorttype> - Either SORT_NORMAL or SORT_REVERSE.
integer <ret>
0 - OK
-1 - No current driver, or current driver not in DRINIT state.
Where Used:
sys.sort_by() can be called ONLY from the DrInit PCL.
It always applies to the current driver.
It makes no difference where during the DrInit PCL that
sys.sort_by() is called.
The following
code is from the drinit() PCL in the program in
the tutorial application.
sys.sort_by() causes driver rcds to be sorted
by the field specified in the sys.sort_by()
Multiple sys.sort_by statements can be used to sort by
more than one field.
The first sys.sort_by() statement specified has highest
If the field to sort by is not in the driver file, then
it must be set in the DrSel PCL, possibly by reading
another file.