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sys.split_string() splits a string variable into multiple vars.
count = sys.split_string(<spflags>,<string>,<avararray>,<delimstr>);

integer <spflags> - Either SP_DEFAULT or any combination of

alpha <string> - The string to split.

alpha <avararray> - This should be the first member of a dimensioned var.

alpha <delimstr> - A string made up of the characters you want to use to determine where to split the string.
integer <count> - The number of strings stored in <avararray>
Where Used:
sys.split_string() can be called from anywhere.
n = sys.split_string(SP_DEFAULT,"abc,def,xyz",avar[0],",");
Assuming avar has a dimension of 10, this call will set n to 3, avar[0] to "abc", avar[1] to "def", and avar[2] to "xyz". avar[3] - avar[9] will each be set to "".
sys.split_string() splits a string into one or more strings and stores the resuting strings in a dimensioned variable. The splitting occurs at any character that matches one of the characters in <delimstr>. The character matched is not saved.
By default single and double quotes are special and any delimeters inside of a quoted part of the string do not cause the string to split. To avoid this special treatment of single and double quotes, specify SP_NOQUOTE in <spflags>.
Quotes act kind of odd when they are at the start of a split word. Unless SP_PRESERVEQUOTE is specified, quotes at the start of a split are stripped and the ending quote is stripped also and it also acts like a delimeter.
Empty values are stripped out by default. To avoid this and have empty strings returned in in the avarray specify SP_NOSTRIP in <spflags>.
sys.split_string() requires the 4c server to be at version 4.4.4 or higher.
SP_NOSTRIP and SP_PRESERVEQUOTE require 4csrvr to be at version 5.2 or higher
See Also:

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