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Return Grand Min Val

sys.get_gmin() returns the current grand min val of a CB TOT Var for the CB EOF Group for a particular CB.
min = sys.get_gmin(<cbtot>);
min = sys.get_gmin(<CBNAME>,<cbtot>);

Or more generally

min = sys.get_gmin([<CBNAME>,]<cbtot>);

In most cases, sys.get_gmin() will be used with one argument. When used this way, it will work with the current CB.

Optional arguments are allowed so that you can get grand min vals without needing to be processing a particular CB.

<CBNAME> - The name of the CB that you need to get a min val for. This is an optional argument. If it is not passed, then sys.get_gmin() uses the current CB.

<cbtot> - The name of the CB TOT Var to return the grand min val for. This argument must always be specified.
Returns: sys.get_gmin() can return alpha, integer or float. Since any value is valid for a min, there is no way to return a unique bad value, however sys.get_gmin() will try to return a bad value when necessary. A bad return for an alpha is the NULL string, or "". A bad return for a float is -1.0, and a bad ret for an integer is -1. Thus the following may be considered bad returns sometimes, but they could also be perfectly valid.

"" - OR
-1.0 - OR
-1 - Either <CBNAME> or <cbtot> is invalid.
AnyValue - The current grand min of the CB TOT Var for specified CB.
Where Used:
sys.get_gmin() can be called from anywhere as long as there is an active driver with <CBNAME> set appropriately to either CB_DRPROC or CB_DRSEL.
The following example gets the current grand min value for the CB TOT Var sys.pr_syssize for the current CB.

min = sys.get_gmin(sys.pr_syssize);
sys.get_gmin() returns the current min val of a CB TOT Var for a CB EOF Group for a particular CB. This is called the grand min of the TOT Var for the CB. It can be called with 1 or 2 arguments.

If called with 1 arg, the arg is <cbtot>. sys.get_gmin() will return the current grand min val of the CB TOT Var for the Current CB.

If used with 2 args, the args are <CBNAME> and <cbtot>. sys.get_gmin() will return the current grand min val of the CB TOT Var for the specified CB. You may want to use sys.get_gmin() in this manner if you need to access a grand min val of a particular CB outside of current CB processing.

Thus, you can get any CB TOT Var grand min val for any currently active CB from any PCL.

4C maintains grand min values for each CB TOT Var that was defined as MIN. The Grand Min Val of a CB TOT Var is the same as the Min Val of the CB TOT Var for the CB EOF Group. This value is updated at the same time that totals are updated. That is, the grand min value is updated after the rcd has been CB Selected and before running the DRSELECT or DRPROC PCL. The grand min vals are never reset to null.
See Also: sys.get_count() sys.get_gcount() sys.get_max() sys.get_gmax() sys.get_min() sys.get_gmin() sys.get_tot() sys.get_gtot()

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