Goto: 4C Home | 4C Docs | System PCLs List sys.upd_file()


sys.upd_file() updates a rcd on disk.
ret = sys.upd_file(<file>, <flags>);

file <file> - the asfile name of the file to update.

integer <flags> - flags that can be combined using the '|' operator.

Allowable flags are:

F_DEFAULT - update file based on last sys.read_file() access.

F_ADD - Add new rcd. If last sys.read_file() did not specify F_ADD, then read rcd first specifying


F_DELETE - Delete rcd. If last sys.read_file() did not specify F_DELETE, then read rcd first specifying


F_MODIFY - Modify rcd. If last sys.read_file() did not specify F_MODIFY, then read rcd first specifying


F_NOMSG - Don't print default message for READ errors and don't prompt if delete OK for F_DEFAULT.

F_FORCE - Don't read this file in the current upd mode
0 - Update OK
-1 - Error - could be error in reading if F_DEFAULT not used, update error, or user typed 'n' to Delete OK prompt.
Where Used:
sys.upd_file() can be called from anywhere but is quite often used from the EndFldLp PCL for screen programs.
In the tutorial application, the program calls updfiles() from the EndFldLp PCL. Here is that PCL. It makes two calls to sys.upd_file().

    End Field Loop PCL

    Name: updfiles

    Usage: updfiles();

    This PCL updates the file cust_mstr based on sys.mode

    For Add or modify modes, if no record exists in the
    zip code file, add one now

if ( (sys.mode=="Add")||(sys.mode=="Modify") ) {
    zc_zip = cm_zip;
    if (sys.read_file(zip_code,F_ADD|F_NOMSG) == 0 ) {
        zc_city = cm_city;
        zc_state = cm_state;
        zc_phprefix = cm_phone[0](0,2);
sys.upd_file() allows updating a single rcd in a file. The file is normally updated based on the mode of the last access, but a mode can be specified with sys.upd_file() instead. If the mode specified with sys.upd_file() is different than the mode of the last read, then rcd is accessed in the updmode first, unless F_FORCE is specified, to allow for locking and for error checking.
sys.errno does not get set like it does with sys.read_file().
See Also: sys.read_file()

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