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FCJSon::OpenKeyList() creates a list of keys from an FCJSon object and returns the count of keys in the list.
count = FCJSon::OpenKeyList(<jsonident>);

integer <jsonident> - A valid jsonident for an object made up of <key>:<value> pairs.
integer <count> - The count of <key>:<value> pairs in the json object.
Where Used:
FCJSon::OpenKeyList() can be called anytime you have a valid ident for a json object of <key>:<value> pairs.
FCJSon::OpenKeyList() creates a list of keys from an FCJSon object and returns the count of keys in the list. The json object must be an object with <key>:<value> pairs. Once open, the application can fetch any of the keys in the list using FCJSon::GetKey().

If the json object already has an open KeyList, it is closed first and the resources it is using are freed.

When no longer needed, the application should call FCJSon::CloseKeyList() which will free resources used by the KeyList. More recent versions of this library will free any KeyList that has not been freed when the object is freed by either FCJSon:Free() or FCJSon::FreeAll()
See Also:
FCJSon Function List

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