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AddArrayObject - Creates a new object, adds an existing json array

AddArray - adds an array object using a <key> to an FCJSon object

AddBoolObject - creates a new json object, adds a boolean value

AddBool - adds a boolean <key>:<value> pair to a json object.

AddDoubleObject - creates a new json object, adds a double value

AddDouble - adds a double <key>:<value> pair to a json object.

AddIntObject - creates a new json object, adds an integer value

AddInt - adds an integer/int64 <key>:<value> pair to a json object.

AddNullObject - creates a new json object, adds a null value

AddNull - adds a null <key>:<value> pair to a json object.

AddObject - adds an object <key>:<value> pair to a json object.

AddStringObject - creates a new json object, adds an alpha value

AddString - adds an alpha <key>:<value> pair to a json object.

ArrayAddArrayObject - Creates a new object, adds an existing array

ArrayAddArray - adds an array object to the end of

ArrayAddBoolObject - creates a new JSon object of <key>:<value> pairs,

ArrayAddBool - adds a simple boolean value to the end of an array

ArrayAddDoubleObject - creates a new JSon object of <key>:<value> pairs,

ArrayAddDouble - adds a simple double value to the end of an array

ArrayAddIntObject - creates a new JSon object of <key>:<value> pairs,

ArrayAddInt - adds a simple integer value to the end of an array

ArrayAddNullObject - creates a new JSon object of <key>:<value> pairs,

ArrayAddNull - adds a null value to the end of an array

ArrayAddObject - adds an fcjson object to the end of an array.

ArrayAddStringObject - creates a new JSon object of <key>:<value> pairs,

ArrayAddString - adds a simple alpha value to the end of an array

ArrayGetArray - returns the jsonident of an array embedded in an

ArrayGetBool - gets a boolean value from an array object.

ArrayGetDouble - gets a double value from an array object.

ArrayGetInt - gets an integer value from an array object.

ArrayGetObject - gets a json object from an array object.

ArrayGetStringLen - returns the length of an alpha value from an array object.

ArrayGetStringPart - gets a partial alpha value from an array object.

ArrayGetString - gets an alpha value from an array object.

ArrayGetType - returns the datatype of a json object in an array

ArrayHasKey - returns an integer indicating whether an FCJSon object

ArrayPutArrayObject - Creates a new object, adds an existing array

ArrayPutArray - puts an array object at a specified

ArrayPutBoolObject - creates a new JSon object of <key>:<value> pairs,

ArrayPutBool - puts a simple boolean value at a specific

ArrayAddDoubleObject - creates a new JSon object of <key>:<value> pairs,

ArrayPutDouble - puts a simple double value at a specific

ArrayPutIntObject - creates a new JSon object of <key>:<value> pairs,

ArrayPutInt - puts a simple integer value at a specific

ArrayPutNullObject - creates a new JSon object of <key>:<value> pairs,

ArrayPutNull - puts a null value at a specific

ArrayPutObject - puts an fcjson object at a specific index in

ArrayPutStringObject - creates a new JSon object of <key>:<value> pairs,

ArrayPutString - puts a simple alpha value at a specific

CloseKeyList - closes th KeyList for one json object and

ConvertToString - converts a FCJSon object to a 4C alpha variable

Count - returns the total number of currently in use FCJSon objects

CreateArray - creates a new FCJSon array object that will

CreateBool - creates a new json boolean object initialized to

CreateDouble - creates a new initialized json double object

CreateInt - creates a new initialized json integer object

CreateNull - creates a new initialized json double object

CreateObject - creates a new FCJSon object that

CreateStringFromFile - creates a string JSon object with the

CreateString - creates a new initialized json string object

DeleteObject - deletes an object by key from it's parent.

FreeAll - frees all currently allocated FCJSon objects.

Free - frees the resources associated with one json object

GetArrayLen - returns the number of items in an array object

GetArray - returns the jsonident of an array object

GetBool - gets a boolean value from a JSon object.

GetCount - returns the number of <key>:<value> pairs in

GetDouble - gets a double value from an object.

GetInt - gets an integer value from an object.

GetKey - returns the key from the current KeyList at idx.

GetObject - gets a json object from a json object

GetStringLen - gets the length of an alpha value in a JSon object.

GetStringPart - gets a partial alpha value from an object.

GetString - gets an alpha value from an object.

GetType - returns the datatype of a json object

HasKey - returns an integer indicating whether an FCJSon object

OpenKeyList - creates a list of keys from an FCJSon object

ParseFile - parses a JSon file and returns an integer id

ParseString - parses a 4C alpha in JSon format and returns

Release - decrements the reference count on a FCJSon object and

Save - saves a FCJSon object to a 4C alpha variable

SaveToFile - saves a FCJSon object to a file on the

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