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DocAlloc - creates a new empty pdf document and returns

DocCount - returns the total number of currently in use FCPdf documents

DocFreeAll - frees all resources for all FCPdf docs that

DocFree - frees all resources used by one FCPdf document.

DocGetFontFace - returns the default font facename for

DocGetFontSize - returns the default font size for the

DocGetHeight - returns the current document level default page

DocGetLineWidth - returns the default linewidth for the document.

DocGetPaperSize - returns the default page size for new pages

DocGetWidth - returns the current document level default page

DocLoadTTFont - returns the name of a true type font loaded from a file.

DocLoadType1Font - returns the name of a type1 font loaded from a file.

DocNew - creates a new empty pdf document and returns

DocSaveAs - outputs the FCPdf document to a file on the 4csrvr machine.

DocSetFontFace - sets the default Fontface for new pages added to

DocSetFont - sets the default Fontface and Fontsize for

DocSetFontSize - sets the default pointsize to use for the font

DocSetHeight - sets the default page height for new pages that

DocSetLineWidth - sets the default Linewidth of the document.

DocSetOption - sets a global document option.

DocSetPaperSize - sets the default paper size for new pages in

DocSetWidth - sets the default page width for new pages that

DrawBegin - lets the FCPdf library know that

DrawEnd - signals that you are done in drawing mode and changes

PageAdd - adds a new page to the FCPdf document and returns

PageCount - returns the total number pages in one FCPdf document.

PageGetFontFace - returns the current font facename for

PageGetFontSize - returns the current font size for the

PageGetHeight - returns height of a specific

PageGetLineWidth - returns the linewidth used for drwing lines

PageGetPaperSize - returns the page size for a specific

PageGetWidth - returns width of a specific

PageSetFontFace - sets the Fontface for text being written to

PageSetFont - sets the Fontface and Fontsize for

PageSetFontSize - sets the pointsize to use for

PageSetHeight - sets the page height a specific page

PageSetLineWidth - sets the Linewidth to use for drawing

PageSetPaperSize - sets the paper size for one specific

PageSetWidth - sets the page width a specific page

TextBegin - modifies the graphics mode so that text writing is possible.

TextEnd - signals that you are done in text mode and changes

TextGetWidth - returns the width of the specified text in points.

TextSetCharSpacing - sets the character spacing to use on the

TextSetRenderingMode - sets the rendering mode for new text added

TextSetWordSpacing - sets the word spacing to use on the

TextWrite - writes some text starting at xpos, ypos.

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