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sys.rep_string() allows you to replace or delete characters from an alpha var in
aval = sys.rep_string(<rsflags>,<originalstring>,[ <matchstr>, ] [ <repstr> ]);

integer <rsflags> - Any number of predefined flags that can be combined using the '|' operator. See below for flag descriptions.

alpha <originalstring> - The alpha var to modify

alpha <matchstring> - The string, or sometimes the set of characters, that you want to match in <originalstring> <matchstring> is optional when RS_CONVERT is specified but mandatory in all other cases.

alpha <repstr> - The string, or sometimes the set of characters, that are used to replace the matched string or character in <originalstring> <repstr> is optional when either RS_SQUEEZE or RS_CONVERT is specified but mandatory in all other cases.

Allowable sflags are:


RS_ALL - Perform replace or squeeze on all matches found in <originalstring>

RS_FIRST - Perform replace or squeeze on only the first match found in <originalstring>

RS_LAST - Perform replace or squeeze on only the last match found in <originalstring>

RS_LEADING - Perform replace or squeeze on only the leading matches found in <originalstring>

RS_TRAILING - Perform replace or squeeze on only the trailing matches found in <originalstring>

RS_ANY - Treat <matchstr> as a set of characters to match and replace rather than as a string to match and replace.

RS_IGNORECASE - Make comparisons ignoring case.

RS_TRANSLATE - Treat both <matchstr> and <repstr> as sets of characters rather than strings. When a match is found in <matchstr>, that character is replaced by the character in <repstring> at the index the matching char was found in <matchstring>

RS_SQUEEZE - Squeeze multiple sequential occurences of any character in <matchstring> to a single occurence. <matchstr> is treated as a set of characters to match against rather than as a string to match. <repstring>, if specified, is ignored.

RS_CONVERT - Convert all escape sequences in <originalstring> to their character equivalents. i.e. \t gets converted to a real tab character, \n to a newline, \r to a carriage return, etc. <matchstr> and <repstr>, if specified, are both ignored.
alpha <aret> - The new modified string.
Where Used:
sys.rep_string() can be called from anywhere.
The Demo application has a simple example in the demo.repstr.1 program.
sys.rep_string() can be used to delete, replace, or squeeze one or more occurences of a substring within an alpha variable. The result of the string manipulation is returned as an alpha variable. The original alpha is left unchanged unless it is specified as <aret>. Some <rsflag> values are incompatible if used together and the resulting string manipulation done will not be well defined.

Do not use RS_TRANSLATE and RS_SQUEEZE together.

Specifying an empty string for <repstr> without RS_TRANSLATE will delete matching characters or sequences of characters.
4C Server Version 5.6.3-03 or higher
See Also:
Sys PCLs List

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